Path to Purpose: A Conversation with Radleigh Valentine

Season #2

I am so excited to release my recent conversation with Radleigh Valentine! I credit Radleigh with introduced and teaching me about working with the Archangels! During a weekend Mastermind weekend he encouraged me to step into service in a very different way than I had ever expected or thought I would!

For those of you who might not know his work, Radleigh is a prolific author of many books and decks through Hay House, including my go to Tarot deck - Angel Wisdom Tarot that you have seen over the years in my messages of the day!

In this episode Radleigh and I discuss his spiritual journey, the struggle of people pleasing and self-sacrifice when you are in spiritual service, your path to happiness, the power of Radical Faith, and the release of his newest Tarot Deck - Animal Guides Tarot!

Radleigh's website is and you can find his weekly Angelic Weather Reports readings on Facebook and Instagram!

Radleigh has so generously shared his Halls of Archangels workshop for free to listeners! You can access it at

Visit my website to learn about my services and upcoming workshops: